Utama e-jurnal

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Risiko Keterlambatan Proyek Konstruksi Beberapa Sekolah Di Jawa Barat

fakultas :
pengarang :
Hotman Siregar, Nusa Setiani Triastuti
tanggal :
Agustus 2020
seri :
Volume XV, Nomor 2, Agustus 2020
issn :

Some previous researchers found that the risk of project lags was affected at least by incomplete project data and information, poor planning, imperfect implementation, poor supervision, incompetent project manager, poor workforce quality, work delays. Based on the above, the author was moved to examine the effect of planning, implementation and supervision of the risk of inaction in construction projects of several schools in West Java both separately and simultaneously.

kata kunci :
Planning, implementation and supervision and the risk of delays

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